Friday, December 2, 2011

Exam and Final Paper

In addition to finishing the build, you have two remaining assessments: an exam and a final paper.

1. The Final Paper.

Choose ANY relevant topic and get it approved by me. I will likely say it's fine, but will ask you tweak it. No matter what you write about, some history and technical issues will likely be addressed. The extent to which it focuses more on history or technical issues will be determined, but expect to deal with both on some level.

The paper will be as long as needed. If you find that you can write it in 2 pages, you probably haven't thought about it enough or done enough research - or it is a really trivial topic. On the other hand, 10 pages may not be realistic for the time period.

This paper will be due the week before the final week of the semester.

2. The Final Exam.

I would like you to take the final exam before winter break. It will be done in class. You are permitted to bring in a page of notes - that is, you can prepare for specific questions.

Your exam will consider of 4-5 questions, to be chosen from the following topics:

Write essays (2-3 paragraphs, as well as images, if needed) on 2 of the following topics:

2 stroke engine
Stirling cycle
4-stroke cycle
What happens when the key is turned in a car
(Topic TBA)

Write a paragraph or two (as well as images, if useful) on 2 of the following topics:

Efficiency and losses - why are engines not extremely efficient
(Topic TBA)

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